The Pit

Deionarra's Torment

Deionarra's Torment

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All artwork and stories placed on this web site are the property of their author. If the author or artist offers their work to The Pit, we retain the right of first Internet publication on the World Wide Web at our web site. The posting of these images and/or stories is revocable at the request of either the site maintainers or of the creator of the story/art.

Artwork related or granted to the site maintainers that is derived from the game Planescape: Torment itself remains the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; TSR Inc; and Black Isle Studios. Information on the characters of the game, excluding fan-fiction, remains their property. They've got hellish lawyers. They'll eat your heart.

Artwork or stories of an adult nature will be placed into a separate area of the web site for archival purposes only, and may be removed at the request of the author or of others. If it is removed by non-author request, the site maintainers will inform the author of the removal and the reasons thereof.

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